Edit Viewport Part

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  • What
  • Permits to manage the visibility of the parts in the viewport.
  • Why

Permits to switch on and off the parts in a separate way for each viewport.

  • How

But it requires a distinction: if it's about a 2D view it isn't possible because in this case it doesn't exist more than one layer associated at the part. Else if it's about a 3D view then it's possible to manage the layers for each view and as a result the switching on and off of the parts.

For managing in a simple way the visualization, the command asks to select a viewport and then it shows a dedicated parts tree.

In the illustration example there are two viewport (indicated respectively with 1 and 2) generated from the same 3D drawing for parts. Launching the command and selecting the view number 2, it shows a dedicated parts tree that let you manage the visibility of the parts. In the example it has been decided to hide the internal part of the structure leaving just the part made in rectangular pipe.