Safety Fencing


Allows to design 3D safety fencing.


It is used to design 3D safety fencing.


Upon launching the command the following dialog with various settings is shown.

During insertion you can choose (from the command line) to select a Polyline as a track definition for the safety fences.


Height: Determines the safety fence height.

Width: Determines the safety fence width.

Floor Gap: Determines the safety fence distance from the floor.

Frame Size: Determines the safety fence frame size.

Frame Thickness: Determines the safety fence frame thickness.

Create Part: Determines if the software has to create a part dedicated to the safety fence.

Codes: -


Colour: Determines the uprights colour.

Aspect: Determines the uprights material.

Create uprights parts: Determines if the software has to create a part dedicated to the uprights.

Squared uprights: Determines if the software has to design the uprights squared or round.

Draw feet: Determines if the software has to draw feet at the bottom of the uprights.


Colour: Determines the panel colour.

Aspect: Determines the panel material.

Panel Type: Determines the panel type (Solid, See-Through, Mesh, Fretted)

Interpolation: Determines the panel interpolation type (None, Standard WIdth, Equal Width)