

The command allows to design 3D mezzanines.


The command is used to design mezzanines.


Upon launching the command the following dialog with various settings is shown.

After clicking on "Create", if you have selected Freeform shape, the Polyline option will appear that will allow to create a mezzanine using a polyline as a guide. Otherwise the mezzanine will be rectangular and the dimensions can be chosen during the insertion phase.


Colour: Determines the mezzanine floor colour.

Aspect: Determines the mezzanine floor material.

Thickness: Determines the mezzanine floor thickness.

Shape: Determines the mezzanine shape (Rectangular or Freeform).

Create Part: Determines if the software has to create a part dedicated to the mezzanine floor.

Slope: Determines the mezzanine floor slope, leave to 0 for a flat floor.

Along Y: Determines if the mezzanine slope, if set, should be oriented towards the Y.

Columns & Feet

Draw Columns:  Determines it the software has to draw the support columns for the mezzanine.

Draw Internal Columns: Determines if the software has to draw internal support columns for the mezzanine.

Draw Feet: Determines if the software has to draw feet at the bottom of support columns.

Colour: Determines the column colour.

Aspect: Determines the column material.

Width: Determines the maximum distance between each column.

Create Part: Determines if the software has to create a part dedicated to the mezzanine columns.

Draw Wireframe: Determines if the software designs the columns as wireframes or tridimensional.

Feet Width: Determines the feet width if drawn.


Straight: Joins two mezzanines by creating a flat plane with the same dimensions as the first mezzanine selected.

Adapt: Joins two mezzanines by creating a plane that modulates based on the dimension difference between the two planes.

Join: Joins two mezzanines by merging the planes and creating a single plane.