Fluid Library

Il software espone una raccolta di fluidi che serviranno per organizzare la struttura delle informazioni nel CAD. I fluidi definiscono il primo livello della struttura parti di piping. Non è possibile inserire più istanze dello stesso fluido in un disegno.

The software exposes a collection of fluid that will be used to organize the information structure of the CAD. Fluids define the first level of the parts structure of piping. It is not possible to insert multiple instances of the same fluid in a drawing.

Data structure of a Fluid

Each fluid is defined via a LUA table composed by a Name (the fluid name) and three main sub-table:

  • Attributes:         Defines the fluid part attributes
  • Polyline: Defines the fluid defining polyline characteristics
  • Pipe: Defines the default attributes of the pipe.

Fluid Name

The fluid name is defined by an acronym/code. Usually it is the data shown on pipes or on labels.


The full description of the fluid type. Used in selections and tables.


Measurement unit relative to the transported fluid.


Defines the characteristics of the polyline of the pipe tubing. Colour, width and line type can all be set. They are all standard AutoCAD standard values. For line types, TOP Schemes provides a series of custom line types that can be used for fluids. Those custom line types are defined in the "QsSchemes.lin" file in Env/TOP_Base/SchemesData.


Defines all default attributes that you want to initialize in the fluid lines. Here it is only possible to define default values. Attributes must be defined using standard TOP rules.

Custom attributes for fluids and pipes

It is possible to modify the attributes list shown in the TOP attributes editor by editing the definitions in the "fluids.lua" file. In this file data source of the attributes are also defined.