Break a Dimension Extension Line

Ribbon: Top Annotations > Dimensions > Break

  • What
  • Breaks a holder dimension line or extension. It is possible to work following the instructions described in the following dialogue-box.

Break All: Select the dimension line to break, the application will automatically calculate the intersection points where to open (opening width is equal the dimension text’s height).

Intersection: Select the dimension line to break and the intersection point, where the opening is generated (opening width is equal the dimension text’s height).

Two Points: Select the dimension line to break and select to points on the screen which will set the width of the opening to generate.

Extend/Shorten: Modify the length of a dimension extension line previously broken.

Erase: Erase a segment of a dimension extension line previously broken.

  • Why
  • To make a drawing more legible when more dimensions overlap.
  • How
  • Choose from the dialogue-box the icon of the type of opening to generate.

Example 86. Break a Dimension Extension Line

Command: Top_SpezzaQuota <ENTER> Select in
            the dialogue the method to follow: (E.g. Two Points) Select the
            extension line or the holder dimension: First point: Second point:
            Select the extension line or the holder dimension: <ENTER>
            (to end)



If a broken dimension is stretched or updated with the AutoCAD commands, this looses the openings.