Half Diameter Dimension

Ribbon: Top Annotations > Dimensions > Diameters > Half Diameter

  • What
  • Select on the screen the axis (e.g. centre line of a hole) and a reference point (e.g. end of a hole), insert a dimension with a hidden second extension line with the dimension’s value doubled and the symbol f in front.
  • Why
  • To replace a normal linear dimension, mainly when the available space to dimension is little.
  • How
  • Select a straight entity (axis) and a point to define the dimension’s value. Then place the dimension.

Example  79. Half Diameter Dimension

Command: Top_MezzoDiam Select the axis:
           Dimension’s origin point: 20.50 <ENTER> Position of the
           dimension text: 20.100 <ENTER> Dimension’s origin point: