As previously said, a drawing without parts is an ensemble of single elements. A drawing without parts is also a drawing containing one part: the part coincides with the entire drawing. The part TOP is the parent of all parts, the one on top of all. The structure of the parts can be viewed as a family tree which indicates the hierarchical order of each part. Due to this hierarchical nature, there are different indent levels of the parts' structure. The highest level is the TOP part, which has children at the first level, and they have children at the second level, so on so forth.



Setting the appropriate variable from the options, you have the possibility to have always highlighted the current Part.

From option in the drop down menu 'Expand Branches'' you can choose whether to expand or reduce the parts tree.

If you choose to expand it, you can decide how much levels do if 1, 2, all, or a specified number.

It has also been added to the command 'Save in the User Library' which allows you to save the selected part in a .dwg files under the folder "'installation folder'\\ENV\\TOP_BASE\\UserLib"