Geometrical Tolerances

Menu: Top > Dimensions > Geometrical Tolerances

  • What
  • Draws a geometrical tolerance using geometrical symbols, indications and definitions set by the ISO standards.
  • Why
  • Used to place and draw simply and automatically a geometrical tolerance.
  • How
  • The command Top_Tollgeom activates a dialogue-box to select the geometrical symbol to insert in the drawing and the symbol to indicate the reference element. This dialogue gives also the possibility to select the active colour of the texts, of the graphic and of the symbols with the following buttons: Text Colour, Graphics Colour and symbol’s colour.

The symbols are divided in three main groups: single elements as Linearity, Flatness and Circularity; single or associated symbols as Form of any given line and Form of any given surface; associated elements as Parallelism, Inclination, Localization, Concentricity or Coaxiality, Symmetry, Circular Oscillation and Total Oscillation.

According to the group the selected symbol belongs to, the procedure changes:

    • If a single-type symbol is selected, the tolerance value and the positioning points will be requested.
    • If a single or associated symbol is selected, a second dialogue-box is activated which gives the possibility to:
      1. place it without references;
      2. associate it with a reference letter;
      3. associate it with a polly line connection.

In the first case are requested the tolerance value and the positioning points.

In the second case are requested the tolerance value, the reference letter and the positioning points.

In the third case are requested the tolerance value, the positioning points and the points to link the tolerance element to the reference.

If a symbol is selected and it can only be associated, the software reacts as in the previous case, but living the options 1 and 2.

Example  78. Geometrical Tolerances

Command: Top_TollGeom <ENTER>
                   (Dialogue...) Insert tolerance value <0.01>: 0.2
                   <ENTER> Insert 1st point (ENTER to end): (snap near
                   active by default) Insert 2nd point (ENTER to end): Insert
                   3rd point (ENTER to end): Insert 4th point (ENTER to end):



To insert the symbol Ø in front of the tolerance value, digit %%c; (E.g. tolerance value <0.01>: %%c 0.2 8 – in the tolerance will be displayed Ø 0.2).



The geometrical tolerance text dimensions are associate to the AutoCAD variable dimtxt.