Explode Part

Menu: Top Parts > Edit > Explode

  • What
  • Eliminates the current part from the part tree. All elements of the active part are moved in the parent part then the part is erased from the tree. If the exploded part has subparts, these become children of the exploded part’s parent. Ended the command, the active part becomes parent of the exploded part. The command doesn't work on child part of non-modifiable part, because it would involves the modification of the parts' structure. However you can explode a non-modifiable part.
  • Why
  • To eliminate from the part tree a part created by mistake or belonging to a part loaded in the current drawing and is not necessary anymore.
  • How
  • Once entered the command, it is necessary to select through a multiple-way selection window the parts to explode or it is possible to enter to explode the current part.