Erase Part

Menu: Top Parts > Edit > Erase Part

  • What
  • Erases the current part from the part tree and the attached entities. If the part to erase has children parts, it will be requested if to erase those or not. If the user does not want to erase the children parts, these become children of the erased part’s parent. Ended the command, the active part becomes parent of the erased part. The command doesn't work on child part of non-modifiable part, because those parts are considered as a piece of the parent part and so you can't modify them. However, you can freely delete non-modificable part.
  • Why
  • To erase a part is necessary both from the graphic point of view and for the part tree.
  • How
  • Select the command and enter confirmation. If the part to erase has children parts, erasing must be confirmed.