| Metodo QsHelperOccurrenceReplaceOccurrence |
Sostuisce l'occorrenza con il documento puntato dal percorso passato
Namespace: InvNetLib.FutureLibraryAssembly: InvNetLib (in InvNetLib.dll) Versione: 27.3.0-RC
Sintassipublic static bool ReplaceOccurrence(
ref Application oApp,
ComponentOccurrence oCompOcc,
string fullFileName,
bool replaceAll,
ref bool silent = false
- oApp Application
- The o application.
- oCompOcc ComponentOccurrence
- The o comp occ.
- fullFileName String
- Full name of the file.
- replaceAll Boolean
- if set to true [replace all].
- silent Boolean (Optional)
- if set to true [silent].
Valore di ritorno
Boolean[Manca la documentazione <returns> per "M:InvNetLib.FutureLibrary.QsHelperOccurrence.ReplaceOccurrence(Inventor.Application@,Inventor.ComponentOccurrence,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@)"]
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