| Classe QsHelperGeometry |
Definisce funzioni di utilità matematico-Geometriche per Inventor.
Gerarchia di ereditarietà Namespace: InvNetLib.FutureLibraryAssembly: InvNetLib (in InvNetLib.dll) Versione: 27.2.0
Sintassi public sealed class QsHelperGeometry
Il tipo QsHelperGeometry espone i seguenti membri.
Metodi | Nome | Descrizione |
| AreVectorsOnSameSide |
check whether or not two vectors are on the same semi-plane
| AsPoint2D | |
| AsPoint3D | |
| DblArray2Point |
convert an array of double to a point
| DblArray2Vector |
Convert an array of double to a vector
| DistancePointToPlane |
Returns the minimum distance of a point from plane
| Equal |
Compare due double values with tolerance
| Get2DCurveMidPoint |
Get the midpoint of a 2D curve
| Get2DCurveTangentAtMidPoint |
get the tangent (2d vector) in the midpoint of a curve
| GetFaceNormal(Face) |
Returns Normal as UnitVector for input Face.
| GetFaceNormal(Face, Point) |
Returns Normal as UnitVector for input Face.
| GetFlatSurfaceNormal | |
| GetMirrorOnPlaneMatrix | |
| GetNormal |
Returns Normal as UnitVector for different type of input entities
| GetOrthoBase |
Returns two orthogonal vectors depending on the input normal
| GetOrthoVector |
Returns an UnitVector orthogonal to input vector
| GetPlane |
Returns Plane object from input entity. Supports Face, Workplane and Faces.
| GetPlaneThreePoints | |
| GetVectorAngle | |
| GreaterOrEqual |
Check whether val1 is greater or equal than val2
| IsIdentityMatrix | |
| LessOrEqual |
Check whether val1 is less or equal than val2
| Magnitude(Vector) | |
| Magnitude(Point, Point) | |
| MidPoint |
compute the midpoint
| MinDistPointToLine | |
| NewLine(Point, Point) |
define a Line for two points
| NewLine(Point, Vector) |
define a Line given a point and direction
| NewPoint(Double, Double) |
syntactical sugar for point2d creation
| NewPoint(Double, Double, Double) |
syntactical sugar for point creation
| NewVector(Double, Double) |
''' syntactical sugar for vector creation
| NewVector(Double, Double, Double) |
syntactical sugar for vector creation
| Object2Point |
Convert every geometric object to a Point
| Point2DblArray(Point) | |
| Point2DblArray(Point2d) | |
| PointsAngle |
Calcola l'angolo spazzato dalla retta passante per pt1 e pt2 in senso antiorario rispetto all'asse X
| PointToVector | |
| Polar(Point, Double, Double) |
Compute a point given a base point, angle and distance
| Polar(Point2d, Double, Double) |
compute a point given a base oint, angle and distance
| ProjectOnPlane | |
| RandomVersor | |
| ReverseVector(UnitVector) | |
| ReverseVector(Vector) | |
| RotateVector | |
| SerializeInvObj | |
| VectorToPoint | |
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