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Classe QSConnectionReflectionUtils

Classe per la gestione alla connessione
Gerarchia di ereditarietà

Namespace: QSAdoNet
Assembly: QSAdoNet (in QSAdoNet.dll) Versione: 27.3.0
public class ReflectionUtils

Il tipo QSConnectionReflectionUtils espone i seguenti membri.

Metodo pubblicoQSConnectionReflectionUtilsInizializza una nuova istanza della classe QSConnectionReflectionUtils.
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Metodo pubblicoMembro staticoGetStaticProperty(String, String) Retrieves a value from a static property by specifying a type full name and property
Metodo pubblicoMembro staticoGetStaticProperty(Type, String) Returns a static property from a given type
Metodo pubblicoMembro staticoGetTypeFromName(String) Overload for backwards compatibility which only tries to load assemblies that are already loaded in memory.
Metodo pubblicoMembro staticoGetTypeFromName(String, String) Helper routine that looks up a type name and tries to retrieve the full type reference using GetType() and if not found looking in the actively executing assemblies and optionally loading the specified assembly name.
Metodo pubblicoMembro staticoLoadAssembly Try to load an assembly into the application's app domain. Loads by name first then checks for filename
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Namespace QSAdoNet