The categories add in the CAD a concept similar to the layers one.

The layers are used as a base for the parts structure, so it is not possible to use them for particular operations, for example:

  • Perform a cross-part graphic entity grouping.
  • Achieve a better separation between mechanical structure and design organization.

In summary, they provide a graphical organization tool for the drawing that is not tied to the parts structure.

Need for which they were designed

Let's imagine we have an assembly structured by parts: How can we group the geometries that represent pneumatic, electronic, mechanical, hydraulical objects?

The solution could be to create many subparts for each part that represent a component of my assembly. But creating a large number of part for graphic use, in addition to slowing down the management of the parts structure, also interferes with the master data management (shot peening and creation of BoMs)

Another typical case is the management of views of a part. Here too we can create subparts but, as in the previous case, we have the problem of mixing parts that actually represent the object with parts that are only used to select some geometries.

In addition to this, the selections of balloons, axis and dimensions is not always easy to manage. In some cases you can use filters but this is not always possible.


The solution to the above problems is the introduction of a new concept: Categories.

The structure is similar to that of layers and is completely independent of the QS parts structure. In the same drawing, both parts and categories can be used in a mixed way.