These are the annotations relative to piping

Insert Info

Allows to show info about the corresponding selected pipe.
In inserts a block containing text with the fluid type and pipe diameter.

Delete Info

Deletes the info added with the previous command.

Description Block

Allows to insert a dynamic block containing an arrow and a resizable text box which by default has the fluid code. (Text is editable)

Suggestion: If you can't see annotations, delete them and set the correct drawing scale before proceeding.

Pipe Section

Allows to automatically insert pipe sections.

Pipes Legend

Allows to insert a CAD table containing the characteristics of the pipes into the drawing.

The legend comprehends main info of the pipes.

Edit Symbol

Allows to set the main data of the symbol. The block and part attributes are set.




The commands show the following symbol editing dialog:

The TAG field and the two attributes are free, classification is optional. The value list is defined in "process_variables.lua" stored in the environment folder.

Classifications allows to mark the symbol. Symbols are classified and can be easily filtered in the BOM. The can also have a set of dedicated attributes, which has to be created in the Attributes Manager.