Field Name




Inserts the specified list.

  • \name - specifies the name of a Snap list.
  • \t - specifies the template used to display every data row of a data source.
  • \listheader - specifies the content of the list header.
  • \listfooter - specifies the content of the list footer.
  • \erl - specifies the maximum number of data rows to include in the document during the design session. The default is 20.
  • \separator - specifies the separator to be inserted between data rows of a Snap list.
  • \tga, \tgb, \tgc ... - specify the content of the Snap list's group headers and group footers.


Inserts the specified text.

  • \$ - specifies the format string for the displayed content of the field.
  • \sinv - for summary fields, specifies whether or not to ignore null values when calculating a summary function.
  • \sr - specifies the report area for which the summary function is calculated (summary running). The following modes are available:

Group - the function is calculated for every group;

None - the function is not calculated;

Page - the function is calculated for every page;

Report - the function is calculated for the entire report.

  • \sf - specifies the summary function to be calculated. The result of the summary function will be displayed as the value of a Snap field.
  • \b - specifies the text before the content obtained from the bound data field (if this content is not empty).
  • \f - specifies the text after the content obtained from the bound data field (if this content is not empty).
  • \klp - specifies whether to keep last paragraph, that is to insert the current paragraph spacing after its last occurrence in the document.
  • \tf - specifies the text format, i.e. the format of the text content - rtf, html etc.


Inserts the specified check box.

  • \c - specifies the state of a check box. The following states are available:

c - checked;

u - unchecked;

i - indeterminate.


Inserts the specified chart.

The switches of this Snap field may contain complex/binary data, and are not intended to be manually inserted into markup.


Inserts the specified bar code.

The switches of this Snap field may contain complex/binary data, and are not intended to be manually inserted into markup.


Inserts an image with a specified height and width.

  • \k - specifies whether to preserve the image box size or the ratio of the original image. The following values are available:



  • \s - specifies the size mode for an image displayed by a field.
  • \sx - specifies the width of the image box.
  • \sy - specifies the height of the image box.


Inserts the specified row index.

  • \$ - specifies the format string for the displayed content of the field.
  • \im - specifies the group mode of a row index. The following group modes are available:

Restarted - row index numbers restart for each group in a grouped Snap list;

Continued - row index numbers continue for each group in a grouped Snap list.


Inserts the specified sparkline.

  • \dsn - specifies the data member name for hierarchical data sources.
  • \w - specifies the width of a sparkline.
  • \h - specifies the height of a sparkline.
  • \vt - specifies the view type of a sparkline.
  • \hmxp - specifies whether or not to highlight the sparkline point with the highest value among all points.
  • \hmnp - specifies whether or not to highlight the sparkline point with the lowest value among all points.
  • \hsp - specifies whether or not to highlight the start point of a sparkline.
  • \hep - specifies whether or not to highlight the end point of a sparkline.
  • \cl - specifies the color used to draw a sparkline.
  • \mxpcl - specifies the color used to draw the sparkline point with the highest value among all data points.
  • \mnpcl - specifies the color used to draw the sparkline point with the lowest value among all data points.
  • \spcl - specifies the color used to draw the start point of a sparkline.
  • \epcl - specifies the color used to draw the end point of a sparkline.
  • \npcl - specifies the color used to draw sparkline points that have negative values.
  • \lnw - specifies the width of the chart line for the Line and Area sparkline view types.
  • \hnp - specifies whether or not to highlight all negative points in the LineArea andBar sparkline view types.
  • \sm - specifies whether or not to show point markers in the Line and Area sparkline view types.
  • \msz - specifies the size of markers for data points in the Line and Area sparkline view types.
  • \mxpmzs - specifies the marker size of the data point with the highest value among all data points in the Line and Area sparkline view types.
  • \mnpmsz - specifies the marker size of the data point with the lowest value among all data points in the Line and Area sparkline view types.
  • \spmsz - specifies the size of the start point's marker in the Line and Area sparkline view types.
  • \epmsz - specifies the size of the end point's marker in the Line and Area sparkline view types.
  • \npmsz - specifies the marker size of all data points that have negative values in theLine and Area sparkline view types.
  • \mcl - specifies the color of line markers for the Line and Area sparkline view types.
  • \ao - specifies the opacity (0-255) of the area fill color for the Area sparkline view type.
  • \bd - specifies the distance between two bars of a sparkline of the Bar or WinLossview type.


Inserts the specified hyperlink.

  • \d - specifies the data member containing the hyperlink display text.
  • \o - specifies the text of the tooltip that appears when the mouse cursor points to a hyperlink.
  • \t - specifies the target frame of a link.