Customize the part’s SpotLight.

Menu: Top > Customize > SpotLight

  • What
  • It allows to specify if to use the illuminated lines to customize the drawing per part.
  • Why
  • SpotLight highlight current part of the drawing, colouring all the non-current part entities in purple, or, if option 2 (Child) has been selected, it colours all the part entities child of the current part in blue.
  • How
  • SpotLight can be set according 3 values:
    • 0: SpotLight OFF;
    • 1: SpotLight ON (not activated parts coloured in purple);
    • 2 : SpotLight ON and different colours for Child parts of the current part (coloured in blue).

This command can also customize colour of the blocks. When the illuminated lines are activated, the application gives all the entities of all the drawing’s blocks a colour taken from DaBlock (ByBlock). Thus, if the block is in an active part it has the preset colour, if it is in an inactive part it has the colour of the illuminated lines. If the illuminated lines are turned off, or if the block is edited, all block entities change to the default colour.



If drawings of the version TOP 8 and following should be opened with the version TOP 3 or previous or delivered to users without the TOP, save the drawing setting the value to 0.