Draw Hole’s Axis on a Flange

Menu: Top > Specials > Draw Hole’s Axis on a Flange

  • What
  • Quickly draws with precision all symmetry axis of a flange.
  • Why
  • To draw the axis of a flange's hole following the flange's general progress.
  • How
  • Enter the command, click on the icon, select the external edge of the flange, then all the flange’s general axis will be automatically drawn. The command will request – until the user press Esc – to select the flange’s holes. For each selected hole, two axis will automatically be drawn conforming to the UNI standards on flanges. oppure attraverso una finestra di seleizone, ad ogni foro selezionato saranno disegnati in automatico i due assi secondo la normativa UNI sulle flangie.