This file contains the application startup settings and is separated into two main sections [ACAD] and [LOAD]. The ACAD section contains all startup options and the LOAD section defines the modules (arx/dll) and menu files (which/cuix) to load into the CAD.

Let's look in detail at the various options in the ACAD section:


Indicates the path to the main CAD executable. Supported CADs are AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, and BricsCAD.


Indicates the platform version of the application (AutoCAD/BricsCAD and 32/64 bit).


Indicates the version of QS Informatica application.


Specifies the commercial products that have to be licensed in the installation.


Indicates the location of the template file to upload. The template file is a .dwt.


Allows to set a menu file to be restored in any case when the CAD closes.


Specifies a customizable batch file. If set, the application will run the batch file before starting the CAD. This tool can be useful if you need to have special startup conditions.


Like the RunBefore option, it runs a batch file after the CAD session is complete. It is typically use with RunBefore to restore standard startup conditions.


This option disables the Windows Aero option. This option has historically presented various issues to the proper functioning of CAD. You can ensure that it is disabled before each start of the work session.

Let's look in detail at the various options in the LOAD section:


Indicates an arx module to load. Arx modules are regular native dlls that contain CAD command definitions.


Indicates a dll module to load. Dll modules contain command definitions made with the .NET platform.


Indicates the path to a menu file (cuix in the case of AutoCAD,cui in the case of BricsCAD).

Solo per BricsCAD:

Profile and other sections, like BricsCAD profiles, where you can force a specific model file to be loaded for each BricsCAD profile.