TOP to help the user manage and recognize parts uses a special colour system called Spootlight.

The standard behaviour is to use the original colour for active part, purple (colour 202) for part at higher hierarchical level and sky-blue (colour 144) for part at lower hierarchical level, that help to highlight the current part.

Naturally it's all customizable, through Spotlight managing command the user can change default colouration, ha can change the colour of each parts or assign only one for all parts(without the current one).

For further explanation go to the chapter about customization where are described operating mode (Top_SpotLight command) and customization command (Top_ColorSpotLight, Top_ColorSpotLightF). See also "Spotlight command" section.

As already mentioned, the color of the Spootlight can be chosen from the options, but it is also possible, in addition at the color, select the brightness of the lines in such a way as to "obscure" the other parts.