Balloon Style Management

Ribbon: Top Annotations > Ballooning > Style Manager

  • What
  • Manages the styles of the line balloon.
  • Why
  • The line balloon styles are necessary to all the users who have to line balloon the same drawing in different ways, using different and independent balloons, line balloon and progressive tables. This command’s interface can display and modify the drawing’s styles and the working environment’s prototypes. When you set a style as current, all line balloon commands entered will be executed according to the style’s settings.
  • How
  • Enter the command and the following interface will be displayed to help the user to modify the line balloon style.

On the left are listed the line balloon styles on the current drawing. On the right column are listed the working environment styles, called “Prototypes”. The asterisk next to the style’s name indicates the current line balloon style. The “Default” prototype, indicated with a “*”, is always present, is impossible to erase and is the prototype always loaded on the drawing.

The section on the left under the current drawing’s style list includes 4 buttons. The button "Set Current" sets as current the highlighted style. The button “Importa” (Import) imports in the drawing a prototype set in the current environment (displayed in the list on the right).

The button "Save Prototype" saves in the current environment a style in the drawing. Useful for third party drawings without prototypes in the working environment. The button "Rename" renames a local drawing’s style, without changing the names of the prototypes in the environment.

The buttons on the right section of the dialogue box work on the prototypes in the working environment. The button "New" creates a new prototype using the selected one. If you click on this button you will be requested the new prototype’s name, then click on OK and the style will be added to the environment. The line balloon prototypes are saved in the “PallCartStyles” folder. For each prototype is created a .PRS file containing all the line balloon settings.

To modify the inserted prototype click on the button "Customize". The PallCart option dialogue box will be displayed and the user can set the line balloon data.

The button "Rename" renames a line balloon prototype without changing the names of the drawings’ local styles. The button "Erase" erases the selected prototypes from the working environment.

The button “Save Prototype from Style” allows to save a style of the current drawing in the working environment, it's useful when you open third party drawings with prototypes absent from the working environment.

In dialog's bottom there are balloning style general option, especially there are two buttons that allow to save or delete "Configurations". A Configuation is the collection of the local style plus the default style.

The last button "Advance" opens a dialog with options that are recommended only to advanced users. Currently there is only one option: "Automatic alignment of style properties associated to prototypes at drawing loading ". If enabled everytime the user open any drawing the sofware update the drawing's local style with the associated prototype's settings.(if protype exist)