Command to Align Objects

Ribbon: Top Mechanical Draw > Special Edit > Aligns

  • What
  • Aligns two or more objects in the drawing.
  • Why
  • For LT users without the "Align" command which is in the AutoCAD Full Version.
  • How
  • The designer must first of all select all the objects to align, then select the first origin point and its destination point, and then the second origin point and its destination point.

After the user decided to stretch or not the objects during the alignment, he must decide if to keep or not the objects in the original position. Once the command has been ended the results are displayed on the drawing.

Example 44. Command to Align Objects

Command: Top_Allinea2D <ENTER>
                    Select objects: Select objects: <ENTER> First origin
                    point: First destination point: Second origin point:
                    Second destination point: Jump objects according to the
                    alignment points? [Y/N] <ENTER> Erase source
                    objects? [Y/N] <S>:<ENTER> Command completed…