AutoCAD greatest limit in a mechanical drawing is its impossibility to structure a drawing hierarchically: the layers are brothers, there is not a parent with children, which have children, etc. The blocks can be ordered hierarchically, but they are complicated.

Parts have the following advantages:

  • You can select an entire part, and possible subparts, indicating only one element, according to the sense of selection, just as in AutoCAD.
  • Parts can be saved in a file and then loaded from that file with the appropriate TOP commands.

This allows creating Customized Libraries. Using the additional programme D&D (Data & Drawing) research of the library drawings is simplified since you can select according to the drawing enhancements saved as parts.

  • Creating a drawing divided in part sit is possible to make different people work on each part which compose the drawing e put the drawing together at the end by uniting each subpart.
  • Creating a drawing divided in parts it is possible to simplify the view and the approach in the drawing phase, actinc on the parts visibility.
  • Using parts simplify drawing management and editing command usage, thanks to the parts locking of higher hierarchy level than th current, and thanks to the possibility to arbitrary lock part to prevent accidental changes.
  • Drawing BOM, which is the entire parts tree, is created automatically. But it is possible to exclude some parts from the slip.
  • Balloons are selected with a part, then, while creating its table, the line balloons of the parts enhancements are automatically read.
  • Title-block is filled in “reading” the TOP part (parent part) enhancements.