This file is located in the directory of the environment, within the Env directory and contains information in order to adapt the drawing program to your needs. The information is divided into sections (eg [SetLinee]) and each one has one or more variables.

To customize TOP you just need to change the value of variables, that is after the variable name, for example:

VariableName = Value

To do that you just need to use any text editor following a few rules: - The lines should not exceed 80 characters. - To add comments, start the line with * o ; . - Do not change the names of variables. - Do not move the variables in other sections. However, it is easier to use the special commands available in the TOP application that perform the editing operations automatically, and still better -as already stated- it is even more effective the use of Qs Informatica options dialogue as seen in first paragraph of the chapter.

For a list of variables, see Appendix " QsMechanical Suite List of Variables ".