Insert Progressive Text

Menu: Top > Special Texts > Progressive

  • What
  • Inserts in the drawing a text, which could be a number or a letter, which can be increased at each insertion. The command remains active until the user does not press the button ENTER.
  • Why
  • Quickly enumerates objects in the drawing which need a progressive reference (numerical or literal).
  • How
  • Selected the command, the departure number or letter is requested (to insert a letter, digit L), then insert the text in the drawing, which will be automatically increased each time (e.g. for numbers: 1, 2,…: for letters: A, B,…).

Example 48. Progressive Text

Command: Top_TestoProg <ENTER> Set
                    letter/<Number = 1>: <ENTER> Insertion Point:
                    Rotation angle <0.0>: <ENTER> Insertion Point:
                    Rotation angle <0.0>: <ENTER>



Text dimension is the same as the current text style. If it is set to 0, the variable TEXSIZE is displayed. And it automatically adapts to the current scale factor.