Circle Tangent and Centre

Ribbon: Top Mechanical Draw > Construction > Tan. Circle > Tangent Centre

  • What
  • Draws a construction circle tangent to an entity (line, circle or arc) creating a centre or a radius.
  • Why
  • The circle becomes a reference in the drawing.
  • How
  • Select the entity to tangent the construction circle, then insert its centre or radius. Insert the centre and the radius will be calculated automatically on the perpendicular to the selected circle. Insert the radius and the centre will be calculated in such way the circle is tangent to the entity selected in the first set point.

Example 19. Circle Tangent and Centre

Command: Top_CstCTangCent <ENTER> Select
              entity tangent to circle: Circumference Centre or Radius
              <5.0>: 10.6 <ENTER>