Clean Dirty Entities

Ribbon: Top QS Utility > Utility Design > Fix Entities

  • What
  • Corrects errors in the drawing entities originating from enlargements.
  • Why
  • When you carry out a detail, geometries are "marked" with information related to the original part. If these geometries are taken and copied in other positions, however, they keep the information they had been marked with. This gives rise to problems highlighted especially during ballooning, when the balloon tries to go back to the original part from which the geometry comes.
  • How
  • You only need to run the command by clicking on the icon, the utility will work independently and on completion of the execution it will print at command line a report of the operations carried out.

Example 106. Clean Entity

Comando: Top_NonCanc
            <ENTER> Searching for dirty entities: Found
            16 entity from wrong enlargement.