Top customize text files are:

  • TopBom.ini
  • AutoAttr.ini
  • Attrib.txt
  • Top_ttrn.prs
  • Parti.prs
  • PallCart.prs
  • Top.prs
  • TopUser.prs
  • RaccSmus.prs
  • Comm.prs
  • AcadVars.prs
  • TopTabStyles.prs
  • All files with a PRS extension concerning the library objects (eg. Screws, Beams, Cables, ...).
  • All files with a PRS extension concerning the materials of the library objects (eg Screws, Beams, Cables, ...).
  • All files with a PRS extension regarding the ballooning styles.

Except the files Parti.prs and PallCart.prs found in the TOP_PRT directory that is included in the directory in which the program has been installed, these files are located in the ENV environments folder which in return contains various folders for any environment. Within the folder of the specific environment we find these files while the PRS of the libraries are located in the LibPrs subfolder.