Sintassi: \# [ " ] switch-argument [ " ]




Specifies the numeric places to display in the result. If the result does not include a digit in that place, a space is displayed.

0 (zero)

Specifies the numeric places to display in the result. If the result does not include a digit in that place, a 0 (zero) is displayed.

. (decimal point)

Determines the decimal point position. The actual decimal symbol is dependent on the local Culture. You can specify it in the Regional settings (Control Panel).

, (digit grouping symbol)

Separates a series of three digits. The actual symbol is dependent on the local Culture. You can specify it in the Regional settings (Control Panel).


Drops digits to the left of the "x" placeholder. If the placeholder is to the right of the decimal point, the result is rounded to that position.

- (minus sign)

Adds a minus sign to a negative result, or adds a space if the result is positive or 0 (zero).

+ (plus sign)

Adds a plus sign to a positive result, a minus sign to a negative result, or a space if the result is 0 (zero).

other symbol(s)

Includes the specified character in the result.


Adds text to the result. The text can contain any symbols, special symbols mentioned above are not interpreted.

"positive; negative; zero"

You can use combinations for displaying positive, negative and zero values differently - just use a semicolon between switch arguments. For example, { MERGEFIELD Amount \# $#,##0.00;-$#,##0.00;$0 } displays positive values using $#,##0.00, negative values using -$#,##0.00, and zero values using $0.