Continuous Circular Welding

Ribbon: Top Mechanical Draw > Mechanical Annotations > Weldings > Circular

  • What
  • Draws a continuous circular weld.
  • Why
  • Used in mechanical drawings to represent a continuous circular weld.
  • How
  • Select arc or circle, then select the angles of start and end welding. If it is an arc, the start and end angle of the arc are given, if a circle has been selected, the angle “<0>” is requested. To draw a weld on all the circumference, insert the end angle equal to the start angle.

Example  53. Continuous Circular Welding

Command: Top_SlCirc <ENTER>                                                                                                                                     Select a circle or an arc: (arc)                                                                                                                                 Insert welding start angle<0>: 0 <ENTER>                                                                                                                        Insert welding end angle <200>: <ENTER>                                                                                                                          Insert welding position [Inner, Outer, <Centre>]: e <ENTER>