Measure Weight of Sheets

Ribbon: Top Mechanical Draw > Mechanical Annotations > Weight Sheets

  • What
  • From a closed sub-plan, it calculates its weight as if it was a plate starting from certain given parameters.
  • Why
  • To measure weight and dimension of a plate, and place them as enhancements of the part’s data.
  • How
  • Enter the command, select a closed outline in the plan, select the plate, then press Enter.

On the screen is displayed the following dialogue-box:

In the first voice select the thickness to give to the plate and the specific gravity of the construction material to use. If the desired specific gravity is not listed, it is possible to edit the voice with the desired weight. Once inserted, a window is displayed where to insert the name of the material which has the inserted specific gravity.

If you do not want to insert material's name, press OK in this window, and in the voice “Material” will be indicated “Non Specificato” (Non Specified). TOP will save the specific gravity and will propose it in the drop-down menu.

By changing the first two data, the plate’s parameters change in real-time adapting to the modifications. The inferior part has two tiles. If the first is selected, the parameters displayed in the dialogue-box, after you press OK, are added as enhancements in the current part; if the second tile is set, in the part’s name is added the plate’s specific data.

Example  109. Measure Weight of Sheets

Command: Top_PesoLamiera <ENTER> Select
           closed outline… <ENTER> Display dialogue… <ENTER>
           Insert enhancements…