MIM Seal Ring

Ribbon: Top Mechanical Draw > Mechanical Library > Feather > Seal Ring

A dialogue-box to insert the object in the drawing is displayed to set the type of sealing ring, and its parameters.

  • What
  • A dialogue-box to insert the object in the drawing is displayed to set the type of chain, its view and its parameters.
  • Why
  • For the correct drawing of standard sealing rings, with the abovementioned tables, without necessarily insert all the necessary values to set the object, but selecting in the available list the desired line containing the essential characteristics as the diameter, the width, the height, etc…
  • How
  • The dialogue-box opened with the command Top_Mim is divided in four main sectors.

The one on the top left acts on the image, and modifies the type of ring. Or select the button "Type of Ring" which opens a dialogue-box displaying all available Sealing Rings MIM.

Under this button there is a text line with currently selected object.

The top central par of the main dialogue-box allows to carry-out an advanced research on the ring’s main characteristics using, also simultaneously, all available search keys.

To search in the current sealing ring parameter list the sealing ring with an inner diameter (d) of 40mm and a thickness (B) of 8mm, just insert the value 40 and 8 in the respective boxes and then click on the button "Search".

In the list below are listed only the rings which respond to the settings. To display the list of rings, click on the button "All". The buttons with the minus sign (<) give a search value clicking on two points on the screen. To mount a ring on a shaft in the drawing, press the button < associated to the parameter d (inner diameter), touch perpendicularly the two lines representing the shaft. The diameter is automatically inserted in the box of the dialogue-box, which filters only the corresponding rings.

In the top right part of the dialogue-box is displayed an icon to select the most appropriate layering point for the user’s needs. Under there is a button to set if to draw the ring with its linetype or not.

On the bottom right of the main dialogue-box there is a box to set the material to associate to the part created. Once confirmed the type of ring to place in the drawing, just insert the object’s layering point and insertion angle.

Example  139. MIM Seal Ring

(Dialogue...) Insertion Point: Insertion Angle: