Break Intersection and Hide

Menu: Top > Specials > Line Operations > Break Intersection and Hide

  • What
  • Breaks and hides an entity as set by the user.
  • Why
  • Breaks any entity as set by the user and displays it as hatched large line (hidden).
  • How
  • Enter the command, select one or more break points, press ENTER to consider each drawing’s geometry as a break point, then a dialogue is cyclically displayed to select the entity to hide within the set break points. Once selected the geometry, starting from the clicked point, the entire part between the closest break points will be hidden. The construction lines are not implied in the different breaks, but they can be selected as break points.

Example  102. Break Intersection and Hide

Command: Top_Spezza <ENTER> Select break
           points <Select all> <ENTER> Select entity to break and
           hide: Select entity to break and hide: Select entity to break and