Symmetry Axis

Menu: Top > Specials > Symmetry Axis

  • What
  • Draws line, arc, circle, polly line and ellipse symmetry axis of linear entities, even if they are not parallel.
  • Why
  • Automatically sets the linetype (Mixed Thin) and, once drawn the axis, makes the set linetype as current.
  • How
  • Select the entity, a circle/arc or the first line. In the first case is requested the inclination of the axis, while in the second case select a second line and insert the points which will set the axis’ ends.

Regarding the ellipse, to draw a symmetry axis simply select the entity without inserting data.

If you chose a circle, you can draw the centerline selecting, if present, its concentric circle.

From the options you can disable the prompt to choose between 2 two points which draw the ends of the axis of symmetry. If you choose to do so, the projection of the axis will be calculated automatically.

Example  96. Symmetry Axis

Command: Top_AsSim <ENTER> Select a line or
           a circle: (circle) Axis angle <0>: 30 <ENTER> Or
           Command: Top_AsSim <ENTER> Select a line or a circle: (line)
           Select the second line: First end of the symmetry axis: 3.1
           <ENTER> Second end of the symmetry axis: 10.4 <ENTER>



Consider that the ends of the axis are set by the projections of the inserted points. Thus, these points can also not be on the axis.