This file contains a title-block in AX format.

We advise to draw the A4 title-block as desired, with the Company’s logo and the desired enhancements, then copy the title-block in a file containing other formats.

As for the “TabX.dwg”, this file’s enhancements must also be in the “attrib.txt” file.

With the programme are delivered examples of title-blocks present in the environment folder.



You can also change the title-block’s physical structure, leaving the layering point in the middle of the format (AutoCAD command “insbase”), and do not create any other layer besides layer 0.


To add an enhancement to the “Tab-aX.dwg” file:

  1. The attribute must also be in the “attrib.txt” file;
  2. Run AutoCAD clean without running the TOP application;
  3. Open “Tab-aX.dwg” file with the AutoCAD command open;
  4. Use the AutoCAD command _ddattdef to set a new attribute;
  5. TAG must be the exact enhancement’s name to insert (which is written in the “attrib.txt” file);
  6. Define height, layering point, style and colour of the enhancement
  7. Save drawing with AutoCAD command save using the previous name;

To modify an enhancement of the “Tab-aX.dwg” file:

  1. The new attribute must also be in the “attrib.txt” file;
  2. Run AutoCAD clean without running the TOP application;
  3. Open the “Tab-aX.dwg” file with the AutoCAD command _open
  4. Use the AutoCAD command _ddmodify to modify attribute;
  5. Select attribute;
  6. Modify the TAG, or any other characteristic of the enhancement (e.g. text height), as desired;
  7. Save drawing with the AutoCAD command save using the previous name;



If it is necessary to create different types of title-blocks (e.g. one for the general, one for the particular), create a folder for each type and copy the title-block files in these folders.. If you need to use other formats than A4 (tab-a4.dwg), A3 (tab-a3.dwg), A2 (tab-a2.dwg), A1 (tab-a1.dwg) and A0 (tab-a0.dwg), it is possible to create other title-blocks files, but to be recognized from the TOP application, the file’s name must have as first 6 characters "tab-aX' where X stands for a number, as already described at the beginning of the paragraph. If you want to create a title-block with a squaring out of format, it is possible to create a title-block file with the name “tab-a0off.dwg”, and if you want to create a horizontal and a vertical A4 format, you can create two files, one called “tab- a4o.dwg” and one called tab-a4v.dwg.