Holes Table

Menu: Top > Dimensions > Hole > Holes Table

  • What
  • Adds a block which identifies the symmetry symbol or replaces the dimension text placing the symmetry symbol according to the centre.
  • Why
  • To create a table for numeric control machines. It is formed by four columns: the first indicates the number of the hole; the second the distance between the abscissa of the centre of the hole and the reference abscissa; the third the distance between the ordinate of the centre of the hole and the reference ordinate; the fourth the diameter’s value.
  • How
  • Select the circumferences and indicate the reference point.

Example  88. Holes Table

Command: Top_TabellaFori <ENTER> Select
           holes of the plate: <ENTER> Select objects: <ENTER>
           Origin of reference system: _int of Angle of reference system
           <0>: <ENTER> Starting number for hole count <1>:
           <ENTER> Insert table (press <Esc> or <Ctrl C>
           not to insert):



The number of holes is put in order, starting from the hole’s centre with the smallest abscissa and ordinate, to arrive to the hole’s centre with the biggest abscissa and ordinate.



Next to the diameter there is the space to insert the tolerances.



The ring with the measure’s origin is drawn with a "Continuous Thin" linetype.



When the table positioning point is requested, press Esc or Ctrl+C not to draw the number of the holes and the table.



If you have AutoCAD 2007, or following, this table can be inserted as an AutoCAD object table by setting the option "Use AutoCAD table in Hole table". Thus, it is possible to customize the visual display with the QSTABFORI table style function.