Rename All Parts

Menu: Top Parts > Rename All

  • What
  • Renames all parts of the drawing by reading the enhancements in top_ttm.prs file.
  • Why
  • To rename all parts according to their enhancements.
  • How
  • Choose YES at the request for confirmation because the command can be dangerous since it renames all the parts of the drawing. If in the top_ttrn.prs file are the attributes CODE, DESCRIPTION and MATERIAL: CODE = “PM9876N”, DESCRIPTION = “LATERAL PISTON” and MATERIAL = “STEEL”, the part’s name will change in: “PM9876N |LATERAL PISTON |STEEL”.



Thus, the part name will be filled in with all enhancements specified in the top_ttrn.prs file.

If you want to carry out the inverse procedure, namely to fill in the part enhancements by taking the data from the part’s name, use Top_Set_Attr.