Top Special Line

Menu: Top > Draw Special > Top Line

  • What
  • Draws a line and displays next to the AutoCAD graphic cursor the Cartesian (delta X, Y) or Polar (angle and distance) offset values.

Enter the command and on the screen is displayed a dialogue to select the plotting mode(Cartesian or Polar). The dialogue can modify the snap value (grid) on which the AutoCAD cursor must move. Snap can be activated/deactivated with the F9 button.

  • Why
  • To give a better view and simplify line insertion.
  • How
  • Insert the line’s first origin point and on the top of the screen a dialogue-box is displayed to choose between the Cartesian (default) or Polar mode.

In Cartesian mode, to insert the following points is the same as for the AutoCAD Line command. While dragging the pointer, this is attracted by each Snap set in the dialogue.

In Polar mode, set an angle. Insert a value with the keyboard or moving the cursor on the screen, which will jog attracted by each angle set in the dialogue. Once set the angle, set the distance with the keyboard or on screen, just as before.