Start subpart

Menu: Top Parts > Start Subpart…

  • What
  • Same as the Top_Init_Prt command, but the new part is child of the part currently active.
  • Why
  • Create a part child of the current part.
  • How
  • The command assumes two phases: the first inserts the part's name, and in case selects the graphical elements which should compose it; the second (not part of the command) inserts the enhancement values of the created part directly editing them. The insertion of the part’s name, and the possibility to select graphical elements, is simplified by a dialogue-box. The new part becomes the active part. The part's name can not be longer than 256 characters. While inserting the part’s name, the drop-down menu saves the last parts names inserted. Expanding the menu all the parts names inserted most recent will be displayed.