Set Scale

Menu: Top Parts > Set Scale

  • What
  • Modifies the TOP Part scale enhancement.
  • Why
  • Indicates the drawing’s plotting scale. Different TOP commands load blocks reading this scale. If the scale is 1:1, the blocks are loaded with Scale 1; if the scale is 1:10, with Scale 10... This command sets the AutoCAD ltscale and hpscale variables and the TOP dimension style scale. The command Top_Cart loads the title-block suggesting this scale. Set the scale when a new drawing is created and the value to use is available. An option allows scaling, according to the new value, all blocks and symbols set and inserted with the application.. These symbols are represented by the title-block, the line balloon table, the balloons, the roughness, the texts, the welding symbols, and the blocks of the section axles. If the option is active, the symbols are established according to the value inserted by the user.
  • How
  • Insert new scale. E.g. for a 1 to 10 scale , insert 1:10