Compass Projection

Menu: Top > Constructions > Projections > Compass

  • What
  • Projects with the construction radius the most important points of the selected geometry from two separate views to create a third one.
  • Why
  • Starting from the entity projection of the first and second view, the user can create a third view with the help of the guidelines described in the compass structure.
  • How
  • To use this command the user must select all the entities of the first view to project, then repeat the operation with the second view. The compass structure will be linked to the cursor. Place the compass in a click and choose intuitively the area where to build the third view. Confirmed the compass position, projection radius will start from the selected views and will intersect to build the third view. The compass is a dynamic structure. Thus, also after being positioned, it is sensible to other projection radius placed with the previous command and which intersects it. This happens when the user adds entities to the projected views, thus the previous command only carries out the projection of new entities. If the option "Compass-Sensible Lines" has been set from the option menu, not only the radius, but also the construction lines bend following the compass.



By setting the appropriate variable you can place the compass on a dedicated layer in order to make it independent from the switching-off and clean commands of the constrution layer.

Example 27. Compass Projection

Command: Top_CstrComp <ENTER> Select
             Objects View 1: <ENTER> Select Objects View 2:
             <ENTER> Confirm position compass: <ENTER>