
Menu: Top > Chamfer > Radius

  • What
  • Chamfer of two lines. First and second lines topping distances are set at 0.0 Once set they remain active until next modification.
  • Why
  • Same function of the analogue AutoCAD command, but allows inserting the chamfers sequentially with the distance insertion dialogue.
  • How
  • Select two lines to connect and set the topping’s distance if necessary. The command displays a non-modal dialogue box which lists a two topping’s distance list set by the RACCSMUS.PRS file, previously described. The user can set the distance value from the dialogue or with the keyboard. Once set the distance value, insert the chamfers sequentially, press ESC and the main menu will be displayed with the insertion dialogue. If the users presses ESC again, the command is ended.

Example 32. Chamfer

Command: Top_ Chamfer <ENTER>
                   Distances/<Line to top>: Distances <ENTER>
                   Distances referred to the first line <0.0> 20
                   <ENTER> Distances referred to the second line
                   <0.0> 3.0 <ENTER> Line to top: Second line to