Angle Measures

Menu: Top > Specials > Angle

  • What
  • Measures the angle between two lines or polly line segments.
  • Why
  • To display on the drawing the measure of the angles without using the dimensions.
  • How
  • Select two lines or polly line, then, if you want to insert a text, insert the text’s height, rotation angle and insertion point.

The displayed angle is the angle of the two lines calculated counter-clockwise. The order you select the lines is very important! In round brackets is displayed also the complementary one.

Example  108. Angle Measures

Command: Top_Angolo <ENTER> Select first
           line: Select second line: Angle 110 (250) Insert text [Y/N]
           <N>: Y <ENTER> Text dimension <3>: <ENTER>
           Text Insertion Point: Text’s insertion Angle <30>: