Grooved Shafts/Hubs

Menu: Top > Shafts > Grooved Shafts/Hubs

  • What
  • Opens a dialogue box to select the type of spline shaft or hub to draw.
  • Why
  • Draw with precision the spline shafts and hubs according to the UNI standards and the required tolerances.
  • How
  • Open a window to select with a tile on the top right the type of work to draw (hub or shaft).

It will be launched under the column of the applicable tolerances according to the selection. Right under the preview, on the left, it is possible to select the standards to draw the shaft/hub. On the right of this drop-down menu there are other two menus, tied to each other, from where select the inner or outer diameter – according to the selected drop-down menu. Consequently, the other value will change accordingly to the selected standard.



The visible outlines and corners are drawn with the continuous thick linetype, while the other lines (except the Mixed Thin axle) will be drawn with a continuous thin line.