Drawing of a Shaft

Menu: Top > Shaft > Drawing

  • What
  • Builds piece after piece a shaft requesting the diameter, the length, and any connector with their length.
  • Why
  • To quickly draw a shaft with precision.
  • How
  • The command requests data for a new part of the shaft until Enter is not pressed. The first point of the shaft determines the shaft’s origin, while the second determines the inclination. Thus, it is not important the insertion point, but the angle which it forms with the previous point.

Example  59. Mechanical Shaft

Command: Top_Albero <ENTER> First
                   point of the shaft’s axis: 50.40 <ENTER> Second
                   point of the shaft’s axis: 60.40 <ENTER> Insert
                   diameter of the shaft <end>: 2.5 <ENTER>
                   Insert length of the shaft’s part <1>: 0.
                   <ENTER> Apply chamfer on front part [Y/N]: Y
                   <ENTER> Insert length of front chamfer
                   <<0.1>: 0.2 <ENTER> Apply chamfer on rear
                   part [Y/N]: <ENTER> Insert diameter of the shaft
                   <end>: <ENTER> *Cancel*



The visible outlines and corners are drawn with the continuous thick linetype, while the other lines (except the Mixed Thin axle) will be drawn with a continuous thin line.