List of options (variables) of Qs Mechanical Suite 13.

Tabella 37. Parts

Parts->General->Load Part-> Delete Dimensions

Determines whether or not to import dimensions during the "load part" operations".

Parts->General->Load Part-> Delete Text

Determines whether or not to import texts during the "load part" operations.

Parts->General->Load Part-> Delete Ballooning

Determines whether or not to import Balloons during the "load part" operations.

Parts->General->Load Part-> Use DWG name..

Use the dwg name when you load part with only part TOP.


Parts->General->Spotlights-> Mode

Determines the operation mode of bright lines, can be "activate", "deactivate" (all parts different from the current ones coloured in the same way, purple 202 by default), "activate children" (colour distinction between the parts placed at a bottom layer and those at a top layer)

Parts->General->Spotlights-> Color

Determines the default colour of the parts placed at a higher or equal layer compared to the current part.

Parts->General->Spotlights-> Children Colour

Determines the default colour of the daughter parts of the current part, that is the parties placed at a lower layer.

Parts->General->Spotlights-> Keep Spotlight in Printing

Determines whether or not to keep the colour of the bright lines when printing.

Parts->General->Spotlights-> Active TOP part before print

If you keep the spotlight in printing, set like current part the TOP part

Parts->General->Spotlights-> Switch off on save

The bright lines will be disabled during the drawing's saving process

Parts->General->Spotlights-> Keep Undo Informations

When this option is deactivated the operations saving on the bright lines is not performed.

Parts->General->Spotlights-> Overrules Mode

Allow you to chose whether to use "Overrules" for bright lines.

Parts->General->Spotlights-> Color Annotations Object

The spotlights also affect Balloons, Dimension and Leaders

Parts->General->Spotlights-> Save Spotlight

if active, when the rescue phase are also stored spotlight.

Parts->General->Spotlights-> Parts obscuring factor

Determines whether obscuring the original colors of the geometries.


Parts->General->Selection-> Limit Children Selection

If active it indicates that the parts editing commands can only act on the current part and related children.

Parts->General->Selection-> Disable Extended Selection Parts

Disables the request, through the dialogue box, the parts to be selected, by taking only the part directly pointed.

Parts->General->Selection-> Selection Name Verb

Ables the selection 'Name - Verb'


Parts->General->Delete Empty Parts-> Post Delete Empty Parts Action

If active, before erasing the empty parts, user is asked whether to proceed with the removal of entities that are not visible.

Parts->General->Delete Empty Parts-> Delete parties not-editable if empty

Determines whether to erase the parts not-editable.

Parts->General->Delete Empty Parts-> Show confirm dialog

Show a confirmation dialog before deleting the empty parts.

Parts->General->Delete Empty Parts-> Auto erase parts just emptied

Deletes the empty parts after the "erases" commands, except the current.

Parts->General->Delete Empty Parts-> Delete also the current part if empty

Deletes the empty parts after the "erases" commands, even the current.


Parts->General->PRT Saving-> Parts structure saving

Determines where to save the dwg parts structure that you save. It can be saved in the .Prt file, in the .Dwg file or in both ones (recommended option)

Parts->General->PRT Saving-> Priority loading from DWG

Determines where to look for the drawing parts that you open and to which source you should give priority if the parts structure had been saved both in .Prt and in .Dwg file

Parts->General->PRT Saving-> Checkin parts

If active, it performs a consistency control of the parts tree while saving the file.

Parts->General->PRT Saving-> Preserves visibility state of empty parts

If active, preserve the visibility state of the empty parts (force the layers saving).

Parts->General->Other-> Post Activation Parts Action

Through this control, you can specify which type of highlighting the TOP will perform after the activation of the part.

Parts->General->Other-> Unlock Layer Mode

Determines which unlocking mode of the parts to use.

Parts->General->Other-> Paste Entity Mode

Determines which mode to use for the aggregation of the pasted entities.

Parts->General->Other-> Aligns at the scale of TOP part

Active the automatic alignment of the stairs hatch, dimension, ecc.. at the scale of the TOP part.

Parts->General->Other-> Active the part in the opening dwg

Active the current part before last saving.

Parts->General->Other-> Destination Part in Aggregate Element

Determines whether to activate the part before the selection of the geometries.


Part->General->Auto Snap Parts->Color SNAP

Set the SNAP's color

Part->General->Auto Snap Parts->Color elastic line

Set the elastic line's color

Part->General->Auto Snap Parts->Enable Auto Snap Parts

If active, enable the mechanism Auto Snap Part.

Part->General->Auto Snap Parts->Sensibility Snap Parts

Set the sensibility of Auto Snap mechanism.


Part->General->BOM-> Use AutoCAD Table

Only for AutoCAD 2007 or later, decides whether to enter into the drawing the BOM table as AutoCAD object or as a block.

Part->General->BOM->Use Balooning table Styles

In case of using AutoCAD tables, determines whether to use the block as a ballooning table style of AutoCAD.

Tabella 38. PallCart - Ballooning e Frame (Ballooning Style Variables)


This field is set with the characters representing the prefix that you want to put before the sequence number contained in the balloon.


This field is set with the characters representing the suffix that you want to put back to the sequence number contained in the balloon.

PallCart->Ballooning->General->Editing Counter for Purchased Parts

This option allows you to automatically use the prefix or suffix with commercial parts. In case you do not wish to take advantage of this opportunity you can set it as manual selection, which means that is the user who selects the prefix or suffix with the trading parts when he or she wants.

PallCart->Ballooning->General->Alert If Part is Ballooned

When this option is set, the user is given a warning notice if the part that he or she is trying to balloon has already been ballooned in another point of the drawing.

PallCart->Ballooning->General->First Grouping Attribute

Contains the name of the first key attribute of ballooning: the parts that have equal AttrPall (and AttrPall2 is empty) are ballooned with the same number, if AttrPall2 is not empty then only the parts that have both equal AttrPall and AttrPall2 will be considered equal and therefore ballooned with the same number. If instead AttrPall is empty, AttrPall2 becomes irrelevant and each part is considered distinct from the others (no sum of parts is carried out during the table drawing). Let’s suppose, for example, that AttrPall = CODE and AttrPall2 = LENGTH, if a) the application meets two parts that have the same code value and the same length value, are then considered as two equal parts and their quantities are summed in the table; b ) the two parts have the same code value but different length value, they are then ballooned with different numbers and appear separated in the table c) both parts have the same code value and a not compiled length attribute. So, as in the first case, their quantities are summed in the table. The use of the AttrPall2 variable is applied optimally to the management of drawing parts such as beams, hollow profiles, tubes ..., that is to say all those materials which differ in the BOM, as well as for the code, also for their length.

PallCart->Ballooning->General->Second Grouping Attribute

Contains the name of the second grouping attribute of the ballooning (see First Grouping Attribute)..

PallCart->Ballooning->General->Set Part Position Having Same Attribute

If it is set, it completes the parts attribute POS. with the same grouping attributes as the one ballooned.

PallCart->Ballooning->General->Uses Counter Calculation Based on Ballooning

If it is set, the calculation of the following balloon number takes place by reading the blocks positioned in the drawing. Otherwise, the calculation is made considering the location attribute of all the parts shown in the drawing.

PallCart->Ballooning->General->Assembly Ballooning

If this option is enabled, allows you to make a mounting ballooning. In other words, all constraints on the progressive ballooning defined by the grouping attributes are ingnored. Manually, user can force to his liking the progressive, knowing that only the parts that have the same position will be summed.

PallCart->Ballooning->General->Use logical grouping in mounting ballooning

The mounting ballooning consider the grouping attribute's content in the numeration.

PallCart->Ballooning->General->Recompute position from grouping during ballooning

During the balloon update, recalculates the POS attribute value in according with the grouping attributes.

PallCart->Ballooning->General->Action on part in manual ballooning

Determines which operation to execute, after selecting a part in ballooning command.

PallCart->Ballooning->General->Simplify balloons after stretch command

Simplify balloon's leader at the end of stretch command.

PallCart->Ballooning->General->Ballooning distance in automatic procedure

Determines the distance between balloons blocks.

PallCart->Ballooning->General->Sort ballooning as part tree

The balloons value will be assigned following the order of parts placement inside at the tree



PallCart->Ballooning->Visualization Operation->Turn Off Children Parts

When this option is set, even the daughters parts are switched off during the command "turn off ballooned parts".

PallCart->Ballooning->Visualization Operation->Turn Off Parts Excluded From Bills Of Materials

When this option is set, also the parts that are excluded from the BOM are switched off during the command "turn off ballooned parts".



PallCart->Ballooning->Balloon Format->Final Tract Length

This option allows you to set the length of the section that connects the balloon containing the sequence number and the line that connects the balloon to the same ballooned part. This segment is always angled according to the last two points provided by the user.

PallCart->Ballooning->Balloon Format->End Tract Direction

Specifies the direction of the final section that the director brings to the true balloon.

PallCart->Ballooning->Balloon Format->Balloon Diameter

Specifies the balloon diameter

PallCart->Ballooning->Balloon Format->Arrowhead

Specifies the ballooning terminal type.

PallCart->Ballooning->Balloon Format->Text Format

This field determines the number of digits that must compose the consecutive. If you do not activate the variable "Suppress Initial Zeros " the digit is fully written and therefore with possible leading zeros.

PallCart->Ballooning->Balloon Format->Suppress Leading Zeros

When you set this option, the sequence number appears in the balloon without leading zeros.

PallCart->Ballooning->Balloon Format->Block to Insert

It is set with the absolute path of the drawing file associated with the block of the balloon. If it is not set it automatically loads the file TOP_PALL.DWG inside the directory of the current environment.

PallCart->Ballooning->Balloon Format->Position Mask

Defines the mask to be used for the composition of the positioning attribute used by the ballooning. Its default value {POS.} represents the simple ballooning progressive without either prefixes or suffix.



PallCart->Ballooning->Table->Use AutoCAD Format Table

Determines whether to draw the ballooning table as a block according to the traditional operation of TOP, or as an AutoCAD’s table object (only available for AutoCAD 2007 or higher)

PallCart->Ballooning->Table->Qs Table Style to Use

Determines the table style to use for the ballooning table if you had chosen to include it as an AutoCAD’s table object.

PallCart->Ballooning->Table->Fix text in columns fixed width

Determines whether the texts must adapt to the size of the column.

PallCart->Ballooning->Table->Multiply Children Parts Quantities For Parents Parts Quantities

If the option is set, while calculating the amount in the table, the amount of daughter parts will be multiplied by the number of fathers as in the BOM. Otherwise, in the table only the added parts will appear.

PallCart->Ballooning->Table->Include Parts Excluded From Bill Of Materials

If the option is set, in the table are counted also the quantity of parts excluded from the BOM which have same grouping attributes of the ballooned parts.

PallCart->Ballooning->Table->Show Parts Excluded From Bill Of Materials

If the option is set, in the table are displayed also the excluded parts of the BOM that have been ballooned.

PallCart->Ballooning->Table->Count Only Parts With Same Position Attributes

When activated it allows to count only the parts that have the same position attribute in the table. In this way you can see in the ballooning table only the parts actually counted.

PallCart->Ballooning->Table->Automatic Purge

Specifies whether the application needs to perform an automatic purge concerning the lock of the ballooning table.

PallCart->Ballooning->Table->Automatically Simplify After Update

Specifies whether the application should run automatically the compact numbers at the end of the ballooning table update.

PallCart->Ballooning->Table->Block to Insert

It is set with the absolute path of the drawing file associated with the type of table to be loaded with the command Top_Dis_Tab. If it is not set, it automatically loads the file TAB0.DWG inside the directory of the current environment.

PallCart->Ballooning->Table->Table sorting reference attribute

Determines which attribute use to sort the balloons table.



PallCart->Ballooning->Labelling->Label Width

Determines the width of the label for the label commands.

PallCart->Ballooning->Labelling->First Labelling Attribute

Contains the name of the attribute used by the command Top_Etic1.

PallCart->Ballooning->Labelling->Second Labelling Attribute

Contains the name of the attribute used by the command Top_Etic2.

PallCart->Ballooning->Labelling->Not Purchased Automatic Labelling

Defines which attribute to use for the non-commercial parts between AttrEtic1 or AttrEtic2 for the automatic labelling.

PallCart->Ballooning->Labelling->Purchased Automatic Labelling

Defines which attribute to use for the commercial parts between AttrEtic1 or AttrEtic2 for the automatic labelling.





PallCart->Frame->Insertion->Scale Symbols

Indicates whether when inserting the title block, or more generally, when editing the drawing scale, it is necessary to decrease all blocks and symbols inserted through the application.

PallCart->Frame->Insertion->Dynamic Correction of Position

If the option is set, it indicates that the title block must be centered with respect to the graphics, but the user can drag it to automatically in order to correct its position.

PallCart->Frame->Insertion->Set Attributes Only on First Frame Found

If it is set, the attributes are only set on a title block, otherwise the attributes of all the title blocks traced in the current drawing will be filled in.

PallCart->Frame->Insertion->Uses Recommended Scale

If the option is set, the user is recommended the right scale so that the title block may completely contain the drawing.

PallCart->Frame->Insertion->Border Minimum Distance

Contains the distance from the edges that will be used in the calculation of scales recommended and taken as the minimum distance between the drawing and the edge of the title block.

Tabella 39. Top

Top->Lines->Thick Continuous->Colour

Colour used by Thick Continuous Line Type.

Top->Lines->Thick Continuous->Font

Font used by the Thick Continuous Line Type.

Top->Lines->Thin Continuous->Colour

Colour used by the Thin Continuous Line Type.

Top->Lines->Thin Continuous->Font

Font used by the Thin Continuous Line Type.

Top->Lines->Thick Dashed->Colour

Colour used by the Thick Dashed Line Type.

Top->Lines->Thick Dashed->Font

Font used by the Thick Dashed Line Type.

Top->Lines->Thin Dashed->Colour

Colour used by the Thin Dashed Line Type.

Top->Lines->Thin Dashed->Font

Font used by the Thin Dashed Line Type.

Top->Lines->Thick Mixed->Colour

Colour used by the Thin Mixed Line Type.

Top->Lines->Thick Mixed->Font

Colour used by the Thin Mixed Line Type.

Top->Lines->Two Outline Mixed Thin->Colour

Colour used by the Two Outline Mixed Thin.

Top->Lines->Two Outline Mixed Thin->Font

Font used by the Two Outline Mixed Thin.

Top->Lines->Construction Lines->Colour

Colour used by construction lines.

Top->Lines->Construction Lines->Font

Font used by construction lines.

Top->Lines->First User Line->Colour

Colour used by User 1 line type.

Top->Lines->First User Line->Font

Font used by User 1 line type.

Top->Lines->Second User Line->Colour

Colour used by User 2 line type.

Top->Lines->Second User Line->Font

Font used by User 2 line type.

Top->Lines->Third User Line->Colour

Colour used by User 3 line type.

Top->Lines->Third User Line->Font

Font used by User 3 line type.






Contains the color used by commands of hatch.

Top->Hatch->1° Model->Font

Contains the line drawing pattern used by the command Top_Tratteggio1.

Top->Hatch->1° Model->Scale

Contains the line drawing scale used by the command Top_Tratteggio1.

Top->Hatch->1° Model->Angle

Contains the line drawing angle used by the command Top_Tratteggio1.

Top->Hatch->2° Model->Font

Contains the line drawing pattern used by the command Top_Tratteggio2.

Top->Hatch->2° Model->Scale

Contains the line drawing scale used by the command Top_Tratteggio2.

Top->Hatch->2° Model->Angle

Contains the line drawing angle used by the command Top_Tratteggio2.

Top->Hatch->3° Model->Font

Contains the line drawing pattern used by the command Top_Tratteggio3.

Top->Hatch->3° Model->Scale

Contains the line drawing scale used by the command Top_Tratteggio3.

Top->Hatch->3° Model->Angle

Contains the line drawing angle used by the command Top_Tratteggio3.

Top->Hatch->4° Model->Font

Contains the line drawing pattern used by the command Top_Tratteggio4.

Top->Hatch->4° Model->Scale

Contains the line drawing scale used by the command Top_Tratteggio4.

Top->Hatch->4° Model->Angle

Contains the line drawing angle used by the command Top_Tratteggio4.

Top->Hatch->5° Model->Font

Contains the line drawing pattern used by the command Top_Tratteggio5.

Top->Hatch->5° Model->Scale

Contains the line drawing scale used by the command Top_Tratteggio5.

Top->Hatch->5° Model->Angle

Contains the line drawing angle used by the command Top_Tratteggio5.






Contains the text style used by the commands Top_TestoN and Top_TestoEvid.

Top->Texts->General->Use Multiline Text

Specifies if the text entered by the application must be some simple text type entities or multiline text entities.

Top->Texts->Normal Text->Colour

Contains the text colour used by the command Top_TestoN.

Top->Texts->Normal Text->Height

Contains the text height used by the command Top_TestoN.

Top->Texts->Evidenced Text->Colour

Contains the text colour used by the command Top_TestoEvid.

Top->Texts->Evidenced Text->Height

Contains the text height used by the command Top_TestoEvid.

Top->Texts->Free Text->Colour

Contains the text colour used by the command Top_TestoLib.





Top->Standard->Constant->PitchThread Constant

Represents the constant-pitch thread used in the graphics operations that use threads (also Manageable).

Top->Standard->Constant->GAS Const Thread Pitch

Represents the constant-pitch thread used in the graphics operations using GAS thread types.

Top->Standard->Constant->Concatenate Selection Tolerance

Defines the maximum distance in millimeters between two entity nodes that are considered to be linked together by the selection command.

Top->Standard->Constant->Dragging Text Height Factor

Indicates the size factor of the text accompanying the entities drag in the special line, circle and rectangle drawing commands.

Top->Standard->Constant->Axes of Symmetry Protrusion Factor

Represents the multiplication factor for the projection of an axis of symmetry with respect to the geometry to which is applied.

Top->Standard->Constant->Offset Text Contour Line

Contains the distance value between the outer edge and the text surrounded within the command Surround Texts.



Top->Standard->General->TOP Rectangle in Polyline

If set, the top rectangle is drawn by using a polyline or using simple entities.

Top->Standard->General->Use TOP Line

This option, which by default is not set, the lines uses the Top line type for the lines by ignoring standard line type of AutoCAD.

Top->Standard->General->Forces selection 'Intercept' in Multiple Stretch

When this option is set, the command selection window "Stretch" always presents the intercepts mode both by moving from left to right and from right to left.

Top->Standard->General->Visualizes Strecth-Copy-Move Dialog Box

Control option of the reactor connected to the dialogues relating to the Stretch, Copy and Move commands. If set, the dialogues are displayed, otherwise the commands do not have any associated dialogue.

Top->Standard->General->Force Orto on Move-Stretch Command

Determines whether to force the "Orthogonal" option during the Move or Stretch commands, in case you have established a "Vertical" or "Horizontal" movement. Its setting is directly related to the option in the dialogue.

Top->Standard->General->Ignore Line Types in Hide/Make Visible Commands

Determines whether the commands that hide - make visible the entities should ignore the line types. If set, the command hide will transform the line type of any entity in the Big Sections type, otherwise only the entities with Big Continuous line type will be hidden. The same will occur with the command make visible, but on the contrary.

Top->Standard->General->Allow Annotation in Locked Part

When this control is active, you can add annotations in the parts even if they are not changeable. The annotations include: dimensions, texts, welding symbols, symbols of roughness and hatchings.

Top->Standard->General->Exclude geometries of categories

The command 'not delete' ignores entities aggregated at the categories.



Top->Standard->Paths->Block's Library

Indicates the location of the folder containing the block library of TOP.

Top->Standard->Paths->User Library

Indicates the location of the folder containing the files *.dwg that make up the whole user libraries. If you do not specify any path, the full path of the folder UserLib that is within the current environment is considered by default.

Top->Standard->Paths->Library Code

Indicates the location of the folder containing the files *.Cod that are used to store the components encoding of the TOP library (Screws, Nuts, Bearings, etc...).

Top->Standard->Paths->Tool Palettes

Indicates the location of the directory containing the Top pallettes.



Top->Standard->Library->Alphabetical Order of Codes

If set, indicates to display the library codes in alphabetical order. Otherwise the codes will be listed with the classic order of insertion.

Top->Standard->Library->Active Codify Libraries

Indicates whether you want to perform a customized coding of library components, when they are entered as "parts" on the drawing.

Top->Standard->Library->Open Library on Codified Menu

Indicates if you want to display the code dialogues of library commercials.

Top->Standard->Library->Insert Unchangeable Library Component

When this option is enabled, all components of the TOP libraries, which are included with dedicated section, will be non-editable.

Top->Standard->Library->Insert AutoSnap's references

The components of the TOP libraries will be included with the necessary references to the mechanism of the AutoSnap.

Top->Standard->Library->Use advanced dialogue Libraries User

The user libraries will be showed with the advanced dialogue.



Top->Standard->Details->Hold Bright Line Colouration

If set, determines whether to keep the original colour of the bright lines in detail. When deactivated the detail lines will have the colour of the original geometries.

Top->Standard->Details->Automatic Turning On Border Detail

If enable, the details border will be displayed while move and copy command. (Need reactivation/reopen of the drawing)

Top->Standard->Details->Enable Hierarchy Filter

If enable, every Details. related commands will manage only the current part and her children, instead, if disable it will accept all geometry of unlocked parts.



Top->Standard->Holes and Slot->Hole Length

Indicates if the length of a threaded blind hole is referred to the total length of the slot (up to the top) or the thread length (height of the cylindrical part of the hole)

Top->Standard->Holes and Slot->Slot Length

Indicates if the length of a slot is referred to the total length of the slot or to the distance between the two axis passing through the centres of the two semicircles of the slot.

Top->Standard->Holes and Slot->Draw Chamfer

If set, indicates that in the case of inserting a threaded hole there must be the chamfer. It is directly connected to the control on the holes insertion dialogue box.



Top->Standard->Special Hide->Special Hide on Blocked Parts

If set, the special hide command also acts on the blocked parts.

Top->Standard->Special Hide->Intersecting Entity Limit

Determines the intersections limit beyond which the special hide command can’t work not to slow down the system too much.

Top->Standard->Special Hide->Blocks Explode

Determines whether the special hide command should act even on block references, exploding them.





Top->Construction->Construction->Auto Regen Layer

If active, after each command for inserting a construction geometry, this option allows the regeneration of the construction layer so that the geometry of the actual drawing always results in the foreground with respect to that of construction.

Top->Construction->Construction->Lock Layer

When this option is set, keeps the layer containing the lines and construction circles locked. In this way you can erase the lines and the construction circles only with the commands predisposed by the application.

Top->Construction->Construction->Active Snap

This option determines whether or not to use the snap distance or snap angle for construction lines and circles, for the top lines etc.

Top->Construction->Construction->Active Snap Dimension

This option determines whether or not to use the real-time dimensions when you build a top line or a top circle etc.

Top->Construction->Construction->Snap Angle

Indicates the default value for the snap angle for construction lines and circle.

Top->Construction->Construction->Snap Distance

Indicates the default value for the snap distance for the construction lines and circles.



Top->Construction->Projection->Calipers Sensitive Lines

If set, makes sure that the construction lines "curve" on the drawing in the case they meet the compass, in a way that is similar to the projection radius.

Top->Construction->Projection->Delete Projection Axis As Single Line

When selected, sees that the projection radius, obtained through the compass, are considered, in the elimination phase, as a single entity and not as the sum of two radius and an arc.

Top->Construction->Projection->Caliper on Dedicated Layer

When selected, sees that the compass is inserted into a dedicated layer. This makes it insensitive to all operations on the layer of the construction lines (erase, lock, turn on\turn off ...)





Top->Annotations->Dimensions->Save Prefix and Suffix

Indicates whether the command Top_editaQuota is necessary to store the prefix and suffix values entered by the user in order to reproduce them easily in the future sessions.

Top->Annotations->Dimensions->Underline Forced Dimensions

Indicates if the dimensions forced with the command Top_editaQuota must be underlined in conformity with standards.

Top->Annotations->Dimensions->Hide Hatches in Dimensioning

If this option is set when the user launches a dimensioning command, the hatchings present on the drawing are turned off.

Top->Annotations->Dimensions->Enable Rotated Dimension in Special Dimension

Indicates whether in the special dimension command the selection tile "rotated dimension ability " must be set or not.

Top->Annotations->Dimensions->Use Snap Distance in Special Dimension

Indicates whether in the special dimension command the selection tile "use distance snap" must be set or not.

Top->Annotations->Dimensions->Auto Alignment Coordinated Dimension of Special Dimension

When activated, the coordinates dimensions, inserted through the special dimension, automatically align with each other. The first dimension inserted, for each coordinate, from a position which all the subsequently inserted dimensions will align to.

Top->Annotations->Dimensions->Use Line Selection in Chamfer Dimension

When this control is set, the 'chamfer dimension' command receives limit lines of the bevel input, instead of the 4 descriptors points of the chamfer. This input system can cause errors as it always considers as chamfer limit the end points of the lines, which is not always true in certain circumstances.

Top->Annotations->Dimensions->Distance of Symmetrical Dimension Symbol From..

Determines the distance that the text '==', which is the symbol of symmetric dimension, should have from the leading dimension line.

Top->Annotations->Dimensions->Use AutoCAD Table For Holed Plates Dimension

Indicates whether to use the AutoCAD’s table object for inserting the tables "Perforated Plate Dimension" and "Perforated Plates Table " (Available only for later versions of AutoCAD 2007).





Top->Annotations->Dimensions Coherence Control->Enable Filter on Selection Points

Enables a filter on the selection of the points during insertion of the dimensions.

Top->Annotations->Dimensions Coherence Control->Enable Filter on Selection Geometries

Enables a filter on the entities selection preventing dimension entities aren't aggregate at the part or part with different scale.

Top->Annotations->Dimensions Coherence Control->Enable Filter on Aggregation Parties

Enables the check entities don't aggregate of the filter entity



Top->Annotations->Break Dimension->Break Dimension only on Annotations

Breaks dimension or leader only when intersect the annotations



Top->Annotations->Welding Symbols->Graphic Colour

Contains the code representing the graphics colour of welding symbols.

Top->Annotations->Welding Symbols->Text Colour

Contains the code representing the texts colour of welding symbols.

Top->Annotations->Welding Symbols->Scale Factor

Contains the value of the sizes scale factor of the welding symbol.

Top->Annotations->Welding Symbols->Text Height Factor

Contains the value of the text scale factor of the welding symbol.




Specifies the welding height.

Top->Annotations->Weldings->Point Distance

Specifies the distance among the welding arcs.

Top->Annotations->Weldings->Outline Length

Specifies the length of sections in the case of non-continuous weldings.

Top->Annotations->Weldings->Outline Distance

Specifies the distance between sections in the case of non-continuous weldings.


Specifies if there is the welding triangle and in such a case if it is inward-facing (I) or outward-facing (E) of the welding section.



Top->Annotations->Section Axis->Outline Dimension Factor

Contains the sizes scale factor value of the highlighted section of the section axis.

Top->Annotations->Section Axis->Height Text

Contains the height of text characters used in the command Top_AsSez related to the drawing of the section axis.



Top->Annotations->Axis of Symmetry->Protrusion Value

It is the value that indicates when an axis of symmetry protrudes from the figure which it belongs to; according to the selected mode it may constitute a multiplicative factor or an adder.

Top->Annotations->Axis of Symmetry->How to Calculate the Protrusion

Multiplier = the entered value will be applied, through multiplication, to the total length of the axis and the value obtained added to both ends of the axis (eg = with value 0,10 you will get a 10 % projection per side). \nAdder = the entered value will be added as actual projection to both ends of the axis.

Top->Annotations->Axis of Symmetry->Get extreme points..

The command 'Draw axis of symmetry' will ask the axis's extreme at the user.



Top->Annotations->Roughness->Graphic Colour

Indicates the graphics colour of roughness.

Top->Annotations->Roughness->Text Colour

Indicates the text colour of roughness.

Top->Annotations->Roughness->Text Height Factor

It indicates the text height of roughness compared to the graphic symbol.

Top->Annotations->Roughness->Symbol Dimension Factor

Indicates the dimensioning factor of the roughness symbol with respect to the value indicated by UNI standards.

Top->Annotations->Roughness->Save User Data

If enabled, the application saves the processing entries and the base length entered by the user within the dialogue.



Top->Annotations->Dimension Tolerance-> Color

Indicates the colour of dimension tolerances when these are inserted with the command Top_TollQuote as an outer block adjacent to the dimension.

Top->Annotations->Dimension Tolerance-> Vertical Position

It is set with the position that texts of tolerances vertically assume within the dimensions.

Top->Annotations->Dimension Tolerance-> Drawing Standard

Indicates if the tolerance value of a calculated dimension with the command Top_TollQuote must be written within the same dimension text, as AutoCAD standard or AutoCAD Mechanical, or as an external block next to the dimension

Top->Annotations->Dimension Tolerance-> Shifting Factor

Indicates the ratio between the height of the text dimension and the height of the tolerance deviation (eg. H8, H7, etc. ...).


Top->Annotations->Geometrical Tolerance-> Graphic Colour

Indicates the graphic colour of the geometric tolerances.

Top->Annotations->Geometrical Tolerance->Symbol Colour

Indicates the symbol colour of the geometric tolerances.

Top->Annotations->Geometrical Tolerance->Text Colour

Indicates the text colour of the geometric tolerances.



Top->TopInventor->Copy Part->Include linetype

Defines the linetype that will be considered by the command Copy Part.

Top->TopInventor->Copy Part->Delete dimensions

The dimensions of all parts, that the user saves for Inventor, will be deleted.

Top->TopInventor->Copy Part->Delete text

The text of all parts, that the user saves for Inventor, will be deleted.

Tabella 40. Navigator

Navigator->Parts Tree->Loading->Show Parts Tree

Determines whether or not to show the parts tree when starting AutoCAD.

Navigator->Parts Tree->Loading->Show Visibility Toggle

Determines if to show the switches to turn on-turn off the part next to the others in the tree. (Restart Required)


Navigator->Parts Tree->Setup->Alphabetical Order

Determines if to order alphabetically the TOP parts tree.

Navigator->Parts Tree->Setup->Highlight Aimed Part

Makes sure to highlight the part below the mouse cursor according to setting.

Navigator->Parts Tree->Setup->Highlight Current Part

Highlight current part with different background.


Navigator->Parts Tree->Select Parts->Edit Attributes Single Part

Defines the behaviour of edit attributes in TOP if launched on a closed branch of the tree.

Navigator->Parts Tree->Select Parts->Explode Children Parts If Branch Closed

When this option is set, the explode part command also acts on the daughter parts of the selected one if the branch was closed.

Navigator->Parts Tree->Select Parts->Ignore Branch State While Executing "On Part" or..

When this option is set, those commands will ignore the branch state and will always turn on/off the children parts.



Navigator->General->Loading->Load Navigator in Startup

Determines whether to load the Navigator when starting AutoCAD.


Navigator->General->Menu->Create XP style menu

Determines whether to display the drop down menu of the parts tree with the XP style.

Navigator->General->Menu->Builds Menu With Icons

Determines whether to display the icon commands in the drop down menu of the parts tree, to be disabled when waiting time gets too long to display the drop down menu.

Navigator->General->Menu->Show Parts Menu

Defines when, by pressing the right mouse button, the context menu of the parts should be displayed.

Navigator->General->Menu->Number of Characters for Parts Name

Defines maximum characters of part names to be displayed in the parts activation menu.


Navigator->General->Documents Toolbar->Show Document Toolbar at Startup

Determines whether to show the open documents toolbar when starting AutoCAD.



Navigator->Pointer->Selection->Extended Selection

Allows you to activate the extended selection: you can select all entities of a part with two clicks in sequence on an entity (not a double-click).

Navigator->Pointer->Selection->Use Design Assistant (TDA)

This option enables or disables the drawing assistant in TOP. (For more information, see the specific chapter).


Navigator->Pointer->Labeling->Hide Label

Determines whether or not to show the label that appears next to the cursor to the passage over a part.

Navigator->Pointer->Labeling->Label Text

Determines the content of the label that appears next to the cursor to the passage over a part.

Navigator->Pointer->Labeling->Horizontal Distance From Hotspot

Defines the horizontal distance (offset) of the label from the set point.

Navigator->Pointer->Labeling->Anchor Width

Defines the anchorage width on the label rectangle.

Navigator->Pointer->Labeling->Anchor Height

Defines the vertical distance of the hotspot label.

Navigator->Pointer->Labeling->Start Colour

Sets the original colour for the label shading that appears on the mouse cursor.

Navigator->Pointer->Labeling->Central Colour

Determines the central colour for the label shading that appears on the mouse cursor.

Navigator->Pointer->Labeling->End Colour

Determines the final colour for the label shading that appears on the mouse cursor.


Determines the transparency value that the label should take.

Navigator->Pointer->Labeling->Angles Fitting

Determines the connection radius on the label edges.


Determines the label development direction describing the parts.


Navigator->Pointer->Visibility->Show Navigator Pointer

This option allows you whether to display or not the presence of the navigator with a special pointer.

Navigator->Pointer->Visibility->Highlight Parts

Determines which method you want to adopt for highlighting the parts at mouse rollover.



Navigator->Status-Bar->Global->Show button 'mode locking layer'

Show/hide the button 'mode locking layer' in the status bar.

Navigator->Status-Bar->Global->Button appearance

Sets the button's visualization (Icon or Text)

Navigator->Status-Bar->Global->Status in the text

Show the option status in the button text (only if the type of visualization is Text)

Navigator->Status-Bar->Global->Status in the tool-tip

Show the option status in the tool-tip


Navigator->Status-Bar->Spotlights->Show button 'spotlights state'

Show/hide the button 'spotlights state' in the status bar.

Navigator->Status-Bar->Spotlights->Button appearance

Sets the button's visualization (Icon or Text)

Navigator->Status-Bar->Spotlights->Status in the text

Show the option status in the button text (only if the type of visualization is Text)

Navigator->Status-Bar->Spotlights->Status in the tool-tip

Show the option status in the tool-tip


Navigator->Status-Bar->Spotlights in Print->Show button 'spotlights state in print'

Show/hide the button 'spotlights state in print' in the status bar.

Navigator->Status-Bar->Spotlights in Print->Button appearance

Sets the button's visualization (Icon or Text)

Navigator->Status-Bar->Spotlights in Print->Status in the text

Show the option status in the button text (only if the type of visualization is Text)

Navigator->Status-Bar->Spotlights in Print->Status in the tool-tip

Show the option status in the tool-tip


Navigator->Status-Bar->Snap Parts->Show button 'snap parts'

Show/hide the button 'snap parts' in the status bar.

Navigator->Status-Bar->Spotlights in Print->Button appearance

Sets the button's visualization (Icon or Text)

Navigator->Status-Bar->Spotlights in Print->Status in the text

Show the option status in the button text (only if the type of visualization is Text)

Navigator->Status-Bar->Spotlights in Print->Status in the tool-tip

Show the option status in the tool-tip

Tabella 41. Transmission

Transmission->General->Commons->Use Reactors to Update Transmission

When this option is enabled, if you move a pulley or a sprocket of a parameterization already made, the transmission path will be recalculated and updated to the new situation.

Transmission->General->Commons->Redraw Transmission When Tour is Changed

Makes sure you draw any transmissions already drawn again, if the members composing it are modified. Be careful because the transmission so redrawn may present dimensioning errors.

Transmission->General->Commons->Check Intersections of Transmission

This option enables or disables the intersection control of transmissions. If control is enabled, while selecting the transmission wheels, you verify that the belt\chain branches do not intersect. If this happens, the path is rejected. If the control is disabled the intersection check is deactivated.

Transmission->General->Chains->Draw Chain with Axis

If this option is enabled, when the chain is drawn along the transmission, it will also be drawn its axis of symmetry.

Transmission->General->Chains->Check Sprocket Overlap

This option enables or disables the overlapping control of sprockets. If the control is enabled, during the selecting phase of sprockets, the possible overlapped sprockets are rejected and the path refused. If the control is disabled, overlapping check is deactivated.

Transmission->General->Chains->Keep Compatibility Between Sprocket and Chains

This option activates or deactivates the sprocket-chain consistency check. In practice, it is verified whether the type of sprocket selected is compatible with the chain which is being used or not. The cheking is made during the selection of sprockets if the control is enabled. If the check fails, the path is rejected. If the control is disabled, the consistency check is disabled.

Transmission->General->Belt->Draw Belt With Axis

If this option is enabled, when the belt is drawn along the transmission, it will also be drawn its axis of symmetry.

Transmission->General->Belt->Check Pulley Overlap

This option enables or disables the pulleys overlapping control. If control is enabled, during the pulleys selection, any overlapped pulleys will be rejected and the path refused. If the control is disabled, overlapping control is deactivated.

Transmission->General->Belt->Keep Compatibility Between Pulley and Belt

This option enables or disables the belt-pulley consistency check. In practice, it is verified whether the type of pulley selected is compatible with the chain which is being used or not. The cheking is made during the selection of sprockets if the control is disabled. If the check fails, the path is rejected. If the control is disabled, the consistency check is disabled.

Transmission->General->Belt->Draw Belt Even If It does not Correspond to the Selected Tour

When this control is enabled, the belt could be drawn only if its length perfectly corresponds to the path described by the selected sprockets.

Tabella 42. Categories

Categories->Interface->Dialog->Show Dialog on Startup

Determines whether or not to show the dialogue of categories when starting AutoCAD.

Categories->Interface->Dialog->Default Category Name in New Drawing

Defines the name of the default category for each drawing.

Categories->Interface->Dialog->Default Category Background Colour

Determines the background colour for the default category.

Categories->Interface->Dialog->Separator between progressive and category name

Determines the separator character between progressive and category name.



Categories->General->Behaviour->Disable Blocks Management

When this option is activated enables the management, and therefore the research, of the categories also within the blocks.

Categories->General->Behaviour->Recover Categories in Loading

Determines whether to perform, while loading each drawing, a process of analysis and correction of errors related to the categories.

Tabella 43. QsUtilities

QsUtilities->SmartTag->SmartTag->Enable Dynamic Update Attributes

This option enables the automatic update of SmartTag, eventually defined. In this way, if a textual entity has been attached to an attribute, its value will be automatically updated when the entity will be changed.



QsUtilities->Clean Special->Clean Special->Keep structure parts

In the command "Special Clean" the parts aren't delete.

QsUtilities->Clean Special->Clean Special->Replace to the original

Replace the selected drawing with the cleaned-up version; For safety reasons, save a copy of the original file as '_dirty'

Tabella 44. Utilities

Utilities->Transformations->From Block to Parts->Translate layers to categories

When the conversion command is run, converts the layers to categories.

Utilities->Transformations->From Block to Parts->Aggregate orphans to TOP part

When the conversion command is run, the entities without part are aggregated to the TOP part.

Utilities->Transformations->From Block to Parts->Convert attribute to texts

When the conversion command is run, converts the attributes to texts.