Linked Selection

Menu: Top > Specials > Linked Selection

  • What
  • A tandem selection of all the entities linked together.
  • Why
  • Associated with other commands, to select a series of geometrical entities linked together.
  • How
  • A completely transparent command which operates in background according to the other commands which admit a selection at the input. Enter any command, then, when a selection of objects is requested, enter the Chain command and select the first entity. Automatically, all entities linked to the selected entity will be selected, and in tandem all those connected to them. The command can recognize the closed outlines, consequently, with the left button of the mouse, it is possible to select between the available selections, passing from the closed outline to the selection of the entire chain; but there are cases when there are more than one closed outline. Then select the first closed outline, the second one, or the entire chain.

Once made the selection, confirm and the command previously entered continues operating on the selection made.