This file contains the attributes that characterize each part, for example:

CODICE maxlen=30 DESCRIZIONE maxlen=50 QTA maxlen=5
         DISEGNATORE maxlen=20 MATERIALE maxlen=30 GRUPPO maxlen=30 DATA
         maxlen=8 SCALA maxlen=8 LUNGHEZZA maxlen=5 PESO maxlen=5 SUPERFICIE
         maxlen=5 PESO_TOT maxlen=5 SUPERFICIE_TOT maxlen=5 NOTE maxlen=30
         POS. maxlen=5

It is possible to modify the list of attributes by manipulating the file Attrib.txt directly, through any text file editing program. In this case, it is necessary to insert the other properties in addition to the attribute name. For insert mode see chapter 5.5 where it is illustrated how attributes are edited using the Top_Attr command and how they are configurated by editing this file.



"POS." attribute must be present if you want to use parts ballooning commands.

In any case, we strongly recommend you the use of Qs Manager - Attributes Manager for automatically editing the attributes.